Adobe Flash development environment
Over time I learned that the only way to ensure my designs would be accurately developed was to learn front-end development myself. While I had done some application development in the past in Director and Flash, I ultimately learned enough HTML, CSS, and javascript to be able to implement my designs. This was used the most for the Lister Hill public facing websites. I wrote all of the HTML/CSS/JS from scratch so they could be turned into Teamsite templates.
I feel this dual skillset of design and development uniquely positions and enriches either role. As a designer I am more cognizant of the abilities and limitations of modern frameworks. As a developer I have a critical designers eye for the minute details that can often be the difference between an average and outstanding site or application.
The Lister Hill National Center for Biomedical Communications web portal and sub-sites. I built the pages using HTML/CSS/JS and the US Web Design System (USWDS).
The pages were then converted to teamsite templates. I helped to design the production pipeline to take web content from our teamsite QA server through testing, staging, and deployment.
The web and kiosk versions of Turning the Pages. This project involved receiving very high resolution page scans of ancient manuscripts and converting them into 3d interactive 'books'.
For kiosk development I used Macromedia (at the time) Director. This was originally software intended for the creation of CD-ROMs. Using the built in coding language (lingo), I created the kiosk app for Turning the Pages. The web version was built using Adobe Flash and written in it's propriery language actionscript.
The Lister Hill National Center for Biomedical Communications intranet site.
I developed a sharepoint intranet site for the Lister Hill Center which has a variety of forms and standard operating procedures. For managers there are also dashboards for Monthly Status Reports and Leave submissions. I also created a leave submission system using Sharepoint and Power Automate. This allows contractors to submit a leave request which is first approved by their contract officer and then the request is moved on to their supervisor. This allows the contractor, contract officer, and supervisor to all have a dashboard view for their own records.